Taylor Farms partnered with the Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System for last weeks “Ask the Experts” session, focusing on the correlation between eating healthy and the prevention of heart disease. Dr. Christopher Oh, MD, highlighted the benefits of eating a plant-based diet, why you should avoid heavily processed foods, and the importance of eating healthy, even on a busy schedule.

Dr. Christopher Oh, MD, addressing the crowd
The standard American diet is 60% processed foods, 30% animal-based, and 10% plant-based. Diets centering on heavily processed foods can lead to health issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity — all of which are risk factors for heart disease.
The ideal American diet is 80% plant-based — including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tree nuts, and legumes — and 20% animal-based — including meats, shellfish, and dairy.
This “ideal” diet can:
- increase cardiovascular health
- lower blood pressure
- lower cholesterol
- improve glucose tolerance
- decrease need for medications
- increase satiety
- increase longevity
At the session, Taylor Farms sampled our Sweet Kale Chopped Salad for attendees, and Dr. Oh shared the recipe for his “Super Green Juice” using Taylor Farms Baby Spinach and Baby Kale Mix, which we’re including here — just for you!

Bethany Mercer and Katrina Gargiulo of Taylor Farms
Dr. Oh’s Super Green Juice
- 3/4 lbs Taylor Farms Baby Spinach and Baby Kale Mix
- 2 english cucumbers
- 6 large carrots
- 4 celery stalks
- 2 Fuji apples

Dr. Oh’s Super Green Juice
Time and convenience are two of the largest factors that hinder people from sticking to a plant-based diet, which is why we have focused on introducing products that make eating healthy easy. Pair your choice of protein with one of our Chopped Salads, Stir Fry Kits, or Chef Crafted blends for a plant-based meal loaded with greens and nutrients.
Here are two meal options that will take you LESS time than heating up a frozen pizza!
“Being healthy is not worrying about your weight, it is a lifestyle…juice, eat real food, and live well!”
-Dr. Christopher Oh, MD
Ask The Experts is a FREE community lecture series, offered by SVMHS covering various medical issues. The foundation of any health and wellness program is awareness and education. The free events provide the community an opportunity to learn and have their questions answered. All SVMHS Ask the Experts events provide a Spanish language interpreter and listening equipment upon RSVP. For more information, call the Health Promotion Department at 831.757.3627.
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